Our Favourite Artist
- Gaia Orion

Image – Her Journey

“She is born rising with the sun, her life is a series of cycles within each other. She is experiencing, learning, growing each day as well as through monthly moon cycles, seasons passing and stages of life: the young girl, the mother, the sorceress, the wise one; none of them are fixed in time. The young girl is the mother when she nurses her doll, the mature woman continues to be a mother when she cares for her aging parents. In Spring, just like when the child is growing up full of energy, we feel alive and creative, planting seeds in our gardens and in our lives. Every season allows us to experience the stage of our whole life. When one lives in tune with nature, life is a cycle following the seasons. Where does it really start? When does it end? The truth is we simply don’t know. When the caterpillar ‘dies’, it has no idea that it is initiating the birth of a beautiful butterfly.” – Gaia Orion